Interested in joining Capital Mills as an investor?
By joining Capital Mills, you get access to curated deal flow and participate in a network of over 50 active investors, most with an entrepreneurial background. You decide on if and what you invest, but you can benefit from the insights from other investors and the investment team, which makes investing less of a solo activity.
Team and Investors
Capital Mills is a network of investors and a professional investment team that manages investments on behalf of the network. These management activities include sourcing, due diligence, deal structuring, governance and exit negotiations.
You get secured access to our investor platform, where all documents and reporting are available for you or your advisors.
Our solutions
Since being founded in 2015, Capital Mills has made a successful entrance onto the Dutch venture capital market. As a result, we can boast an impressive portfolio of high-performing companies, a fascinating mix of investors, an expert investment team.
Our deal flow is sufficiently high to allow us to expand our group of investors. Our rules for investors, like all of our terms and conditions, are transparent and fair to everyone concerned.
Participation in the network is open to high net worth investors and family offices. We distinguish two stages.
The first step consists of signing an NDA and a short agreement with no obligation to invest. This gives you access to the Capital Mills deal flow, you receive the newsletter and you can attend the periodic investment meetings.
If you then decide to actually co-invest, you sign up by means of a second agreement. Then we legally also need more information from you (UBO, etc.). You can therefore participate in our network free of charge and decide per deal whether it is an interesting investment for you.
Why does joining Capital Mills make good sense?
Interested in meeting us?
If this seems interesting to you, please fill in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.